Convention messages Exhibit messages General announcements

PNNA members to receive awards in Chicago

According to the newest online edition of the ANA’s monthly journal, The Numismatist, several PNNA members will be recognized at the upcoming ANA Anniversary Convention in Chicago/Rosemont, Ill., Aug. 13-17.

  • Larry Gaye – ANA Medal of Merit
  • Katie Reinders – ANA YN of the Year
  • James Reinders – ANA Outstanding Adult Advisor
  • Joe Boling – ANA Exemplary Service Award
  • Dick Doty – ANA Lifetime Achievement Award (posthumously).

Congratulations, and we’ll have a report in the 4th Quarter 2013 edition of The Nor’wester.

UpdateSee a report on this ANA convention, including photos of some of the awards and award winners, also collector exhibits.

General announcements

PNNA 3rd Quarter Nor’wester and related news

The 3rd Quarter 2013 edition of the PNNA’s newsletter, The Nor’wester, has been published and can be accessed as a PDF file on the back issues page.

If you are a PNNA member, you should have received a cover sheet with The Nor’wester, including a member survey. The first 100 members to respond with a completed survey by the deadline will be entered into a prize drawing. If you’re not currently a PNNA member, it’s too late for the survey this year, but we might do it again in 2014.

This is another great year for the PNNA, with the usual conventions in Tukwila (completed) and Portland (scheduled for October 5-6), plus other activities including a booth at the Puyallup Fair Hobby Hall (September 6-22). If you’re at the Fair, stop by and say hello!

Thank you again for your interest in the PNNA, and I look forward to seeing you in Portland.

Free members:
As a reminder, to continue your free PNNA membership (if applicable), you need to attend this year’s spring or fall convention and fill out a new free membership form. Starting August 1, there will be a modest dues increase for those who prefer to receive their newsletter in paper form. (Yes, mailing is getting more expensive.)

Paid members:
If you already have a paid membership, thank you for your support of the PNNA! Please check your newsletter cover letter and renew now if necessary.

Eric Holcomb
PNNA Editor/Webmaster

Convention messages Exhibit messages

PNNA Convention report and photos

Thanks to everyone who helped make this year’s PNNA Convention in Tukwila a big success, with attendance once again over 1,000 and strong activity despite an unexpected drop in bullion prices on the opening day of the show.

See the history page for conventions & coin shows for information about how to access past convention reports, including overall convention reports, awards and exhibits, and memorabilia.

– Eric Holcomb
PNNA Editor/Webmaster

Convention messages

Reminder: PNNA convention this weekend

Just a reminder that the annual PNNA convention and coin show in Tukwila, Washington (just south of Seattle along I-5) is this weekend, April 12-14, 2013. Hope to see you there!

Convention messages General announcements

PNNA Annual Convention and Nor’wester news


The 2nd Quarter 2013 edition of the PNNA’s publication, The Nor’wester, is available online at, and free black-and-white paper copies will be available at the PNNA convention. Back issues are also available online.

Thank you again for your interest in the PNNA, and I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming (April 12-14) annual PNNA convention in Tukwila, Washington! Please note there has been a change in the convention keynote speaker … it will now be ANA V.P. Walt Ostromecki instead of ANA Executive Director Jeff Shevlin. The time is 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Walt won’t be speaking about the ANA (as Jeff had planned), but he will give an interesting and entertaining talk about “dumb coins.”

As a reminder, if you signed up for a free PNNA membership at a convention in the past couple years, you need to attend this year’s spring or fall convention and fill out a new free membership form to continue your free membership.

Education messages General announcements

PNNA Scholarships to Summer Seminar

The PNNA offers one adult and one Young Numismatist (YN) scholarship each year to attend the ANA’s Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs.

For more information on the PNNA scholarships and other PNNA annual awards, see the 1st Quarter 2013 edition of The Nor’wester (see online editions page).

For more information on the ANA Summer Seminar including course schedules, see the ANA website (

General announcements

Happy New Year!

2013 should be another great year for the PNNA, with the usual conventions in Tukwila and Portland, plus other activities. Stay tuned for more information in the months ahead!

The 1st Quarter 2013 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed to PNNA members just before Christmas. It’s a 12-page edition, and it’s also available on this website. (see online editions page).

Convention messages

PNNA/Willamette fall coin show

As a preliminary reminder, the annual Willamette Coin Club/PNNA 8th Annual Fall Convention and Coin Show is set for September 28-30, 2012, at the DoubleTree Lloyd Center Hotel, 1000 NE Multnomah Street, Portland, OR. Friday 9/28 is a dealer and exhibitor setup day, with the show open to the public Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., and Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

General announcements

Welcome to the PNNA blog!

On behalf of all PNNA officers, committees and members, I would like to welcome you to the PNNA blog, which will allow the association’s officers and other designated persons to communicate directly with our web audience about PNNA news, activities and other items of interest. Please feel free to contact the PNNA, email, with your comments and suggestions.

Note some blog posts have been updated in 2023 due to changes in the locations of linked files, etc.

– Eric Holcomb, PNNA webmaster