NCW Award for Clubs

NCW Club Award Winners

See past NCW contest summaries & club award winners (2002 to date).

Award History and Criteria

The PNNA sponsors an annual contest whereby local clubs can win monetary awards for promotion of National Coin Week (NCW). The awards are $100-$75-$50 for the top three club efforts. Each year the ANA selects a theme for NCW to suggest different ways to promote the hobby. Also see the ANA National Coin Week page, where you can find information about a video activity via the ANA’s YouTube page, the annual ANA club trivia challenge, a promotional kit for clubs with educational materials and more, and online resources and lesson plans for ANA clubs and members to promote National Coin Week.

Local clubs are encouraged to take this opportunity to enhance their club treasury by preparing an eye-popping exhibit and displaying it in their local community. Local clubs that participate should send their information to the attention of Danny Bisgaard, c/o Salem Numismatic Society, PO Box 2051, Salem, OR 97308, or email Danny at There is no formal application necessary; however, information submitted should include pictures of the display and a written narrative on where the display was placed as well as other activities the club did to promote NCW. The annual deadline for information is April 30.

The annual NCW theme does not have to be part of your effort; if you have an already-established program for promoting coin collecting in your community that does not refer directly to the annual NCW theme, it is still acceptable for consideration.

ANA NCW Awards

The ANA also gives awards for NCW promotion excellence. If your club belongs to the ANA, submit a report to the Outreach Department to be considered for this award.

The ANA National Money Show (early spring convention) exhibit program includes a special exhibit category and award for National Coin Week-suitable exhibits. Among other prizes, the best NCW exhibit earns a scholarship and transportation to the ANA summer seminar. If your club has such an exhibit, and someone will be traveling to the spring convention who can set it up, don’t overlook this opportunity to have it recognized. If the club wins, a club member can use the scholarship. Contact ANA HQ for exhibit rules for the spring conventions. (A club must belong to the ANA in order to compete for the convention exhibit award; non-member clubs can show their exhibits non-competitively.) Also see the upcoming exhibits page.