Nystrom Award Winners

See a list of Nystrom award winners from 1990 (the first award, to Nina Nystrom) to date. All award winners receive a plaque similar to the one shown in the photo above, awarded in 2009.
Award History
Nina Nystrom Memorial Goodwill Ambassador Award
This award was named the “PNNA Goodwill Ambassador Award” until 1997, when it was renamed to honor its first recipient, Nina Nystrom. The award is patterned after the former Krause Numismatic Ambassador Award at the national level, and recognizes individuals who have served as “ambassadors” for the hobby of numismatics in the Pacific Northwest.
Current Information
Winners are selected by the PNNA president, who need not make an award every year. (The award was only made every two years from 1990 to 1998, and there were no awards in 2021-2022.)
Nominations should include a narrative describing and giving examples of the person’s role in serving as an “ambassador” in the Pacific Northwest. (See the main awards page for submission details.)