ANA Summer Seminar Scholarships
Important information: This section is about PNNA-funded scholarships to attend the ANA Summer Seminar. Scholarships are also available from the ANA – see their website to apply. Applicants are normally not eligible to receive scholarships in the same year from both sources, however, exceptions may be considered if attending both sessions.
2025 scholarship application form (PDF file). Also see below under “How to Apply.” Applications are due February 28, 2025. Please consider applying!
Due to Summer Seminar cancellations, the PNNA did not offer any new scholarships in 2021, and gave awards to previously selected recipients in 2022, but offered scholarships again starting in 2023.
The PNNA normally offers two full one-session scholarships for an Adult and a YN (Young Numismatist) collector to attend the annual ANA Summer Seminar, held on the campus of The Colorado College in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado. There are two sessions each year, typically held in late June or early July, and now scheduled for four days of classes (Sunday-Wednesday) per session. PNNA scholarship details are available on the application form linked below.
Summer Seminar is an opportunity for numismatic scholarship and camaraderie offering students a wide and varied selection of courses suited for anyone from the curious beginner to the most advanced numismatist. The ANA publishes a catalog of the courses available each year.
Encouragement to Apply
by Larry Gaye, 2008 winner and PNNA Past President.

Are all PNNA members aware of two PNNA scholarships to attend the annual American Numismatic Association’s Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs? Two full scholarships are awarded, one to an adult and one to a young numismatist.
As a recipient of a 2008 scholarship, I would like to encourage all of you to consider submitting an application for the scholarship. What have you got to lose other than an opportunity of a lifetime to pursue your collecting interest, or investigate a new one? The only requirement once you attend the session of your choice is to write a remembrance of your experience to be published in The Nor’Wester.
In case you are unfamiliar with it, Summer Seminar is an immersion into the many aspects of numismatics taught by the best people in their fields, from digital coin photography to engraving dies.
The two weeks are actually two distinct one-week (now four-day) sessions with totally different curriculum offerings; you can choose what aspect of the hobby you would like to investigate. There are also evening mini seminars you can add on in case you haven’t had enough numismatics during the daytime sessions.
What a chance for a parent and junior to enjoy numismatics together. The junior programs are very well run, there is never a dull moment, and the activities are amazing. A junior can look at collecting, writing articles, running an auction and very many other activities with adult chaperones to guide them along the path.
The application for numismatic nirvana is simple (see below). Check it out, who knows, maybe next year you will be on your way to Colorado Springs!
How to Apply
2025 scholarship application form (PDF file).
This application form may also be available at certain coin shows and club meetings. Summer Seminar class listings are available by contacting ANA or online at the ANA Summer Seminar webpage. Questions can be directed to Danny Bisgaard, 503-510-6931, email The winners will be added to the posted list of award winners after Summer Seminar is completed.
The form was revised in 2019 to clarify various details. For example, each scholarship includes tuition for the class of your choice, a double-occupancy dorm room and the on-campus meal plan. The PNNA also provides an additional $250 of travel expense reimbursement for the YN scholarship recipient. Please be sure to read this important information.
The revised application also clarifies that ages 13 to 17 are considered to be eligible YNs, however the PNNA may award the YN scholarship to a young collector in the 18-22 age range, as of the first day of the seminar, if there are no qualified younger applicants. Otherwise, all applicants aged 18 and older will be considered for the adult scholarship only.
Applications are normally due at the end of February each year, and the winners will be notified as soon as possible, so they can complete their registration with the ANA. The deadline to register with the ANA for Summer Seminar is May 15, 2025. Check the ANA website for ANA scholarship information.
Scholarship Award Winners
See a list of Summer Seminar scholarship award winners from 2003 (the first award) to date. There are also links to the post-seminar reports written by the recipients for publication in The Nor’wester. By reading these reports, you can learn a great deal about what to expect at ANA Summer Seminar!