McKivor Memorial Scholarship
The PNNA offered one scholarship to attend the 2023 British (UK) Token Congress, which took place in Northampton, England, Oct. 6-8, 2023, and did so again for the next Congress held Oct. 4-6, 2024. Please see for details. The scholarship covers the Congress registration fee up to $300 (receipt required), with the recipient responsible for all other travel expenses.
Unfortunately, there were no applicants for the 2023-2024 scholarships, although one person had expressed interest. Why not consider applying in 2025, if this scholarship is offered again?

This scholarship is offered in honor of William (“Bill”) McKivor, 1940-2021. Bill served the PNNA in several capacities, including board member and election chairman, and was a regular PNNA dealer. He received the prestigious Bob Everett Memorial Award in 2014 (photo above). He was born in 1940, the same year the PNNA was founded. In his business, The Copper Corner, he specialized in British tokens and medals (including especially Conder tokens) and American colonial coinage. He produced 100 fixed price lists over a 25-year period up to his retirement in 2020. He was founding member #3 of the Conder Token Collector’s Club. He travelled to the British Token Congress many times and convinced a number of his British friends to attend a memorable British-American Token Congress in Seattle in May 2009.
Scholarship applications were due April 30, 2024. See the 2024 McKivor scholarship application form (PDF file) for more information. PNNA membership is required.