Upcoming shows & conventions with collector exhibits
This is a selection of important Northwest and national events with collector exhibits. Many other clubs and organizations also have exhibits.
ANA National Money Show®
Next show: Feb. 27-March 1, 2025, in Atlanta, GA
Exhibits CANCELLED for this show due to no room available.
PNNA Spring Convention
PNNA Tukwila exhibit application
Next show: Apr. 11-13, 2025, at Tukwila Community Center, Tukwila, WA
ANA World’s Fair of Money®
Next show: Aug. 19-23, 2025, at the Oklahoma City Convention Center; Oklahoma City, OK
PNNA Fall Coin Show
PNNA Tukwila exhibit application
Next show: Oct. 3-5, 2025 (tentative), at Tukwila Community Center, Tukwila, WA
Willamette Coin Club Portland Fall Coin Show
Next show: Nov. 8-9, 2025 (tentative), at Monarch Hotel & Conference Center, Clackamas, OR. This show did not have collector exhibits in 2023, but they could return in 2024 or 2025.
Salem Coin, Stamp and Postcard Show
Next show: To be announced.
Florida United Numismatists (FUN)
Next show: Jan. 8-11, 2026, in Orlando, FL
Boeing Employees Coin Club | BECC Exhibit Application
Next show: Jan. 17-18, 2026, at Kent Commons, Kent, WA
PNNA Collector Exhibit Rules and Application Forms:
For the Tukwila spring and fall shows, see the PNNA detailed exhibit rules and get the exhibit application (PDF file – fill and save form).
For the Portland fall show – Beginning in 2021, separate PNNA and WCC fall shows were scheduled. The WCC will publish its own exhibit rules and application.
At the Tukwila conventions/shows, there should normally be space available for those PNNA members who wish to exhibit. Advance registration is required for planning purposes and to ensure availability of cases, especially for large exhibits. Then bring your display to the convention and report to the Exhibit Chairman. You will be checked in and assigned display cases (or table space if bringing your own cases). If you wish to exhibit competitively, you must have your exhibit in place on time (by noon Saturday). Join the fun, exhibit!
See the new exhibit rating sheet, developed by the ANA exhibit committee and approved for PNNA use beginning in the fall of 2022. This is now the official PNNA version and includes two additional pages of explanation of three of the judging criteria.
See the old exhibit rating sheet (how your exhibit was judged previously).
Additional information or forms may be needed if you intend to have someone else place or remove your exhibit, or if you are a multiple winner of first place awards at previous PNNA conventions. Contact the exhibit chairman or chief judge, or email info@pnna.org.
Not a PNNA member? Please join PNNA now to be eligible to exhibit and win awards at the next PNNA convention! Have a great experience exhibiting at PNNA!
PNNA exhibit classes/awards:
Competitive exhibits (available at both the spring and fall Tukwila shows; new names may be given to fall show awards):
Best-of-Show – Byron F. Johnson, Jr. Memorial Award. | Byron’s bio.
Best exhibit of tokens or medals – C. E. “Hepp” Heppner Memorial Award.
People’s Choice – Del Cushing Memorial Award.
Classified exhibit awards: (New classes starting in 2019 for both the annual spring convention and fall coin show – please see “New Exhibit Classes Proposal” for details.)
- Class 1 – Coins.
- Class 2 – Paper money.
- Class 3 – Tokens, medals, decorations and exonumia.
- Class 4 – Common element.
- Class 5 – Topical.
- Class 6 – Pacific Northwest numismatic material.
Non-competitive exhibits – No specific awards, except may be eligible for People’s Choice.
Any club that wants a program on exhibit-building should contact the PNNA secretary at the address/phone on the PNNA officers/board page.
PNNA Exhibit News
Collector exhibits are encouraged at the PNNA annual convention and coin show in Tukwila, and at the PNNA fall coin show, also in Tukwila. Exhibits are displayed in a separate room across from the bourse area. This room is only for exhibits, and sometimes for club tables for clubs that would like to participate. This arrangement allows more space for exhibits and makes it easier for the public to view your display. There is enough room for about 36 cases.
Exhibiting is not complicated. Please register in advance (no later than the weekend before the show), bring you display, check in with the Exhibit Chairman or assistant, then place your exhibit in the assigned cases or on the assigned table space if using your own cases. With PNNA exhibit cases, you may keep the key(s) until you remove your exhibit. (A limited number of standard Allstate cases are available.) Exhibits need to be in place by noon on Saturday to be eligible for exhibit awards. Exhibits can be competitive or non-competitive, with competitive having priority on available cases/table space. The PNNA best of show winner (at the annual convention) receives $200 in assistance to take the winning exhibit to the ANA anniversary convention in the same year. We hope to see your exhibit at the convention!
Exhibitors are requested to complete the simplified one-page exhibit application (PDF file – fill and save form) in advance. If you intend to have someone else place or remove your exhibit or if you are a multiple winner of first place exhibit awards at previous PNNA conventions, please contact chief judge Eric Holcomb for the necessary information and forms.
For more information, check out other pages in this section:
Completed events | Past exhibit images
Past PNNA main exhibit award winners
Numismatic Exhibiting Guide (“How to Exhibit”) by ANA Chief Judge Joseph E. Boling
PNNA rules for exhibiting and judging
PNNA exhibit application (Tukwila)
Exhibit rating sheet (rev. 2023).
PNNA / Willamette Coin Club Show Exhibits
The PNNA-Willamette Coin Club Annual Fall Coin Show was held each fall in Portland. (Beginning in 2021 there are two separate fall shows.) Collector exhibits at this show were encouraged and had good public visibility on tables at the center of the main aisle. See the completed exhibits page for a document summarizing exhibits at the 2010-2019 fall shows. There may be different rules and application forms for future Portland fall shows, and not all of these shows may have exhibits. Contact the WCC for information.
ANA Convention Exhibits
Spring coin show – If you are interested in exhibiting at future spring coin shows (National Money Show®), write to ANA headquarters and request the exhibit rules and application, or find them on the ANA website NMS page. The case limit for spring shows is completely different from summer shows (up to fifteen cases if you show only one exhibit), which provides an opportunity to show the large exhibit you have always had in the back of your mind. The 2024 spring NMS is in Colorado Springs.
Summer (anniversary) convention – If you want to exhibit at the ANA anniversary convention (ANA World’s Fair of Money®) in Chicago (2024), ask ANA for the exhibit rules and application, or see the linked page on the ANA website.