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Events / Other News
Nor’wester Mailed – The 1st Quarter 2008 PNNA newsletter, The Nor’wester, was mailed on Jan. 2 rather than in December. It includes a PNNA scholarship application for 2008. The PNNA offers annual adult and YN scholarships to the ANA Summer Seminar in Colorado Springs, Colorado. (See online editions page for this and other back issues.)
Happy Holidays! – The PNNA would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season this year. While you’re doing your holiday shopping, why not consider a numismatic gift for someone on your list this year? Possible sources include local coin clubs, coin shows and coin dealers, online auctions such as eBay, and the U.S. Mint.
PNNA-Willamette Coin Club 3rd Annual Fall Convention & Coin Show, Oct. 13-14, 2007, Doubletree Inn, Lloyd Center, Portland, Oregon. This was an exciting event, with a large active bourse, exhibits, and a popular young numismatist (YN) program! Attendance was about 500 despite very nice weather, and most dealers and collectors seemed to be reasonably satisfied with the event.
Nor’wester Mailed – The 4th Quarter 2007 PNNA newsletter, The Nor’wester, was mailed on Sept. 26. Included are images of the $1 and $5 fall convention scrip designed/printed by Steve Cox.
Puyallup Fair, Sept. 7-23 – The PNNA sponsored the annual coin exhibit in the Hobby Hall, with assistance from several local coin clubs. We had handouts including magazine copies, event calendars, a coin club list and coins for junior collectors! No volunteer is knowledgeable about all aspects of numismatics – if your question wasn’t answered or if you were unable to attend the Fair, please e-mail your question to info@pnna.org, and it will be directed to a local expert for a response.
The 2008 PNNA Convention has been forced to change dates because of a conflict with the Santa Clara Coin, Stamp & Collectibles Expo (which also changed its dates). The new dates are April 4-6, 2008.
Local WWII Pilot Speaker at Everett Coin Club – George Grimm of Arlington was the guest speaker at the August meeting of the Everett Coin Club, held Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2007, at Normanna Hall, 2725 Oakes Ave, Everett, WA. Grimm was a pilot with the Naval Air Transport Service during WWII. Grimm talked about his experiences during the war and displayed his extraordinary wartime scrapbook and “short snorter” artifact.
Congratulations! Former PNNA Secretary/Treasurer Joseph E. Boling has been elected to the American Numismatic Association (ANA) Board of Governors! As reported by Numismatic News, voted into office were seven newcomers led by veteran hobby publisher Clifford Mishler (4,609 votes); followed by Chester L. Krause (4,518 votes); Edward C. Rochette (3,541 votes); Joseph E. Boling (3,442 votes); Radford Stearns (3,073 votes); Walter Ostromecki (2,882 votes), and Wendell Wolka (2,850 votes).
Nor’wester Mailed – The 3rd Quarter 2007 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed to PNNA members on June 28. Look for a report on the PNNA convention in April, info about signing up to volunteer at the Puyallup Fair, and a report on how the PNNA Board voted in the ANA Board of Governors election.
Summer is Here! – The summer season does not mean that your numismatic activities have to stop; check out info for the ANA’s annual Summer Seminar and World’s Fair of Money®. Closer to home, there are some coin shows, and many coin clubs have summer social events.
NWTAMS website running again – The website of the Northwest Token & Medal Society was up and running again, but apparently no longer is. However, you can find much useful information about tokens from Richard Greever’s online illustrated catalog of thousands of tokens!
April was Big (and No Fooling!!)
National Coin Week, April 15-21, 2007, theme The Presidents Are Coming!

PNNA Convention, April 13-15, 2007, Tukwila, Washington. This was an exciting well-attended event, with a large active bourse, exhibits, and a popular young numismatist (YN) program! There were several numismatic theater presentations on Saturday. Ben Franklin even made an appearance!

Washington State Quarter Launched! – The Washington State Quarter was officially launched at a ceremony with Governor Chris Gregoire at Seattle Center on April 11. (In the photo at left, Gregoire receives the first two of the coins struck at the Denver Mint.) The quarters will now begin appearing in circulation, but they probably won’t last long at your local bank! U.S. Mint Director Edmund C. Moy hosted an interesting numismatic forum following the launch ceremony. Also see the United States Mint website.
Nor’wester Convention Edition – The third annual 16-page convention special edition of The Nor’wester was mailed on April 2. In addition to PNNA news and ads from some of your favorite dealers, look for the WA quarter design on the cover, a special article by Larry Gaye, and a numismatic theater preview.
3-year dues options now available for individuals, families and clubs! (Check the current website under “Join” for more information.)
Before April
ANA 2007 Spring Convention – Citing a conflict with the Baltimore Coin and Currency Convention, the ANA rescheduled the 2007 National Money Show from Sacramento, CA (March 23-25) to Charlotte, NC (March 16-18).
Scholarship Apps due March 23! The scholarship application deadline was extended from March 15 to March 23.
Special Nor’wester Mailing – A special issue of The Nor’wester was mailed on Feb. 26. It includes scholarship and exhibit applications, a convention flyer, board meeting minutes and other news, including info about a change in how PNNA memberships are processed.
Happy New Year! The PNNA would like to wish everyone a happy new year! The PNNA is once again planning several exciting events and programs for 2007, including two annual conventions and a scholarship program.