2011 | 2012 (current page) | 2013
Relive the Memories! (Historical information & reports):
Conventions & Coin Shows | Exhibits | Memorabilia | Newsletters
The PNNA-Willamette Coin Club Fall Convention & Coin Show was held Sept. 28-30, 2012, in Portland, OR, with dealer and exhibitor setup on Friday, September 28. The linked show report included an announcement by ANA VP Walt Ostromecki of his candidacy for ANA President in 2013.
Puyallup Fair! The PNNA had a booth in the Hobby Hall during the full duration of the Fair, Sept. 7-23, 2012.
ANA Convention! – The annual World’s Fair of Money® was held Aug. 7-11, 2012, in Philadelphia, PA. See a report.

The 63rd Annual PNNA Convention was held April 13-15, 2012, in Tukwila, WA. As always, the PNNA show featured a large active bourse, exhibits, numismatic theater and club meetings, and a popular young numismatist (YN) program!
Coin Week! ANA National Coin Week (88th Annual), April 15-21, 2012. Theme: Change in Money: Cowries to Credit Cards. We hope you had the opportunity to participate!
Newsletters / Other News
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year from the PNNA! The 1st Quarter 2013 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed either just before or immediately after Christmas.
The ANA National Money Show is coming to Portland, March 5-7, 2015, at the Oregon Convention Center!
Newsletters Mailed! The 4th Quarter 2012 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed Sept. 26-27, and is available on this website! The 3rd Quarter 2012 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed on July 2, and is available on this website! (See online editions page for all 2012 editions.)
Convention Edition! The 2nd Quarter 2012 convention edition of The Nor’wester was mailed around March 31, and is now available on this website!
New Feature! PNNA officers and committee news blog – see link in the main menu or click here.
New Feature! PNNA e-mail announcement list – see link in the “Welcome” menu or click here.
Newsletter! The 1st Quarter 2012 edition of The Nor’wester was mailed the week after Christmas and is available online.