PNNA News 2017

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Another great year! 2017 was another great year for the PNNA, with the usual conventions in Tukwila and Portland, plus other activities, and a special gift received!

PNNA receives Eric P. Newman Society Gift! The PNNA was pleased to be one of over 40 numismatic organizations selected to receive a special one-time gift from the Eric P. Newman Numismatic Education Society (EPNNES). Newman, who passed away in November 2017 at the age of 106, was active in many numismatic societies throughout his long collecting career and understood the value of working with fellow collectors and researchers in order to advance the science of numismatics.

See the PNNA’s letter to the EPNNES acknowledging and thanking them for their gift.


PNNA-Willamette Coin Club 13th Annual Fall Convention & Coin Show was held October 20-22, 2017, in Portland, OR (Dealer/exhibitor setup on Oct. 20)

Washington State (Puyallup) Fair
September 1-24, 2017 except Tuesdays
PNNA booth in Hobby Hall. No volunteer is knowledgeable about all aspects of numismatics – if your question wasn’t answered or if you were unable to attend the Fair, please e-mail your question to

ANA World’s Fair of Money
August 1-5, 2017 in Denver, CO. See a report.

ANA Summer Seminar
June 17-29, 2017, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

ANA National Coin Week
April 16-22, 2017
Theme: “Conflict and Courage: Money and the Military.”

PNNA Convention (68th Annual)
March 17-19, 2017, in Tukwila, WA


Mailing dates are for PNNA members subscribed to paper copies.

Other News

Eric P. Newman Numismatic Education Society gift – see above.

PNNA Scholarships
Applications for ANA Summer Seminar scholarships were due Feb. 15 – see the 1st Quarter Nor’wester. The winners for 2017 were announced, and have attended the Seminar!