Convention messages Exhibit messages General announcements Officer messages Outreach messages

PNNA 2nd Q 2024 edition of The Nor’wester

The 2nd Quarter 2024 edition of the PNNA’s publication, The Nor’wester, is available online at

The Nor'wester cover - 2nd Quarter 2024
The Nor’wester cover – 2nd Quarter 2024

As announced before, there will be only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. This is one of those editions and is 24 pages in full color!

Summary of 2nd Quarter content:

  • PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
  • PNNA Convention welcome message by Kevin Charboneau.
  • Other PNNA news including about the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair, PNNA exhibits and PNNA awards.
  • A feature article by Eric Holcomb, “Morgan Dollars—Including Coin Club Show and Tell.”
  • A related short article by Mark Benvenuto, “Silver Dollars, or Another Bullion Coin?”
  • Statements by PNNA Board Candidates for the 2024-2026 term. (Election ballots will be enclosed or attached separately.)

Back issues of The Nor’wester are available online.

Once again, thank you for your interest in the PNNA!

Eric Holcomb
PNNA Editor/Webmaster

Club messages Convention messages Exhibit messages General announcements Outreach messages

PNNA 1st Q 2024 Nor’wester

The 1st Quarter 2024 edition of the PNNA’s publication, The Nor’wester, is now available online at

As announced previously, there will be only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. The other two editions will be smaller like this edition. This change allows the two main editions to have more pages, more articles and stories, more photos, and additional dealer ads if requested.

Summary of 1st Quarter content:

  • PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
  • Other PNNA news including brief mentions of the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair, the spring convention in Tukwila, collector exhibits and annual awards. Also, upcoming PNNA elections.
  • PNNA scholarship application for ANA Summer Seminar 2024.
  • A flyer for the BECC Coin Show, Jan. 20-21 in Kent, Wash.

Back issues of The Nor’wester are available online.

Once again, thank you for your interest in the PNNA!

Eric Holcomb
PNNA Editor/Webmaster

Exhibit messages

PNNA Exhibit History consolidated into PDF files

Thank you for your interest in PNNA collector exhibits.

Previously you could access the history of PNNA exhibits from 2001 to date, including many photos, via HTML files.

However, the software for creating these files, Microsoft Expression Web, has become obsolete, and a decision was made to replace the HTML files with PDF documents. (Next year we’ll also do this for the PNNA memorabilia catalog.)

There are currently four documents, covering Tukwila and Portland exhibits (when the PNNA held its fall coin show in conjunction with the WCC). See for links to these documents.

Although the PDF files contain reduced size images of exhibit cases without links to the full-size images, you can access all the full-size images in the folder Opening this folder in a browser will display a list of the images, each one with its own link, so you can view them and then download if desired. Filenames contain the year and exhibit number, for example, “Exh_2019_1a.JPG,” where “1” is the exhibit number and “a” is the first case of that exhibit. For years prior to 2008, the format may vary, with the exhibitor’s last name or exhibit subject replacing the exhibit number.

The PDF files contain the exhibit number (in brackets) for each exhibit with photos, so you can easily determine which files you would like to access.

One drawback is that browsers will normally only let you view and download one image file at a time. If you would like to download all or a large portion of the images (total size about 330 MB), then you can request that I share my Microsoft OneDrive folder (containing the images) with you. You should have a Microsoft account and be familiar with using OneDrive (which is a standard feature of Windows 11) before making the request.

If any other questions or concerns, or if you find any errors, please let me know. – Eric Holcomb (PNNA webmaster and exhibit chief judge)

      Convention messages Exhibit messages General announcements Outreach messages

      PNNA 3rd Q 2023 edition of The Nor’wester

      The 3rd Quarter 2023 edition of the PNNA’s publication, The Nor’wester, is now available online at

      As announced last year, there are only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. The other two editions are smaller like this edition. This change allows the two main editions to be printed in color and have more pages, more articles and stories, more photos, and additional dealer ads if requested. There will be plenty of copies printed for distribution at shows, clubs and other events such as the Fair. Please start writing your content for the main editions now!

      Summary of other 3rd Quarter content:

      • PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
      • A message about the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair by Richard Schulz. Please volunteer!
      • Brief mentions of the PNNA and Willamette fall coin shows, whch will be covered in the next (4th Q) edition.
      • PNNA spring convention news – awards, collector exhibits (no competitive exhibits this spring), and board member and meeting minutes information.

      Back issues of The Nor’wester are available online.

      Once again, thank you for your interest in the PNNA!

      Eric Holcomb
      PNNA Editor/Webmaster

      Convention messages Exhibit messages General announcements Officer messages Outreach messages

      PNNA 2nd Q 2023 edition of The Nor’wester

      The 2nd Quarter 2023 edition of the PNNA’s publication, The Nor’wester, is available online at

      The Nor'wester cover - 2nd Quarter 2023
      The Nor’wester cover – 2nd Quarter 2023

      As announced last year, there will be only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. This is one of those editions, and is 24 pages in full color!

      Summary of 2nd Quarter content:

      • PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
      • PNNA Convention welcome message by Kevin Charboneau.
      • Other PNNA news including about the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair, PNNA exhibits and PNNA awards.
      • A feature article by Tom Sparks about “The Short Snorter of Major General Clayton L. Bissell,” which was on display at the Phoenix ANA National Money Show.
      • Two interesting short articles by Adhitri S., a YN from Indiana.

      Back issues of The Nor’wester are available online.

      Once again, thank you for your interest in the PNNA!

      Eric Holcomb
      PNNA Editor/Webmaster

      Convention messages Exhibit messages General announcements Outreach messages

      PNNA 1st Q 2023 edition of The Nor’wester

      The 1st Quarter 2023 edition of the PNNA’s publication, The Nor’wester, is now available online at

      As announced last year, there will be only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. The other two editions will be smaller like this edition. This change will allow the two main editions to have more pages, more articles and stories, more photos, and additional dealer ads if requested.

      Summary of 1st Quarter content:

      • PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
      • Other PNNA news including brief mentions of the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair, the spring convention in Tukwila, collector exhibits and annual awards.
      • Two interesting one-page articles by Kevin Charboneau, and a short article by James Bard.
      • PNNA scholarship application for ANA Summer Seminar 2023.
      • A flyer for the BECC Coin Show, Jan. 21-22 in Kent, Wash.

      Back issues of The Nor’wester are available online.

      Once again, thank you for your interest in the PNNA!

      Eric Holcomb
      PNNA Editor/Webmaster

      Convention messages Exhibit messages General announcements Outreach messages

      PNNA 3rd Q 2022 edition of The Nor’wester

      The 3rd Quarter 2022 edition of the PNNA’s publication, The Nor’wester, is now available online at

      As announced herein, there will be only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. The other two editions will be short letters like this edition. This change will allow the two main editions to have more pages, more articles and stories, more photos, and additional dealer ads if requested. There will be plenty of copies printed for distribution at shows, clubs and other events such as the Fair. Please start writing your content for the main editions now!

      Summary of other 3rd Quarter content:

      • PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
      • A message about the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair by Richard Schulz. Please volunteer!
      • Brief mentions of the PNNA and Willamette fall coin shows, whch will be covered in the next (4th Q) edition.
      • PNNA spring convention news – awards, collector exhibits (unfortunately none at this event), board installation and links to meeting minutes.

      Back issues of The Nor’wester are available online.

      Once again, thank you for your interest in the PNNA!

      Eric Holcomb
      PNNA Editor/Webmaster

      Convention messages Exhibit messages

      Tukwila show report and collector exhibit winners

      Winners of judged collector exhibit prizes from the PNNA 2015 spring convention and coin show in Tukwila (held May 1-3, 2015) have been posted, along with photos of the winning exhibits.

      Congratulations to the winners, and thanks to all who participated. We hope to see you again in Portland in October 2015, and Tukwila in April-May 2016. Please contact the PNNA if you have any questions about collector exhibits.

      See the history page for conventions & coin shows for information about how to access past convention reports, including overall convention reports, awards and exhibits, and memorabilia.

      Club messages Exhibit messages General announcements

      Gerald Williams Honored for Exhibit

      At the August 13th Mid Valley Coin Club meeting, Gerald Williams received his award for his exhibit at the April Tukwila PNNA coin show.  Gerald won 1st place under the United States and Canadian Coins category with his exhibit titled: The Arts: Numismatic Contribution of the Cooper Union. Danny Bisgaard and I, Ed Fischer, were in attendance when President Bisgaard presented Gerald his winning award.

      Gerald often presents exhibits with much detail and planning. And this one was no exception. Go to the PNNA website and see the pictures.

      Update (2023) – Past exhibit reports have been consolidated into PDF files. See the current completed exhibits page for links.

      Congratulations, Gerald!