Convention messages

Reminder: PNNA convention this weekend

Just a reminder that the annual PNNA convention and coin show in Tukwila, Washington (just south of Seattle along I-5) is this weekend, April 12-14, 2013. Hope to see you there!

Convention messages General announcements

PNNA Annual Convention and Nor’wester news


The 2nd Quarter 2013 edition of the PNNA’s publication, The Nor’wester, is available online at, and free black-and-white paper copies will be available at the PNNA convention. Back issues are also available online.

Thank you again for your interest in the PNNA, and I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming (April 12-14) annual PNNA convention in Tukwila, Washington! Please note there has been a change in the convention keynote speaker … it will now be ANA V.P. Walt Ostromecki instead of ANA Executive Director Jeff Shevlin. The time is 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Walt won’t be speaking about the ANA (as Jeff had planned), but he will give an interesting and entertaining talk about “dumb coins.”

As a reminder, if you signed up for a free PNNA membership at a convention in the past couple years, you need to attend this year’s spring or fall convention and fill out a new free membership form to continue your free membership.