Just a reminder that the annual PNNA convention and coin show in Tukwila, Washington (just south of Seattle along I-5) is this weekend, April 12-14, 2013. Hope to see you there!
Tag: PNNA convention
The 2nd Quarter 2013 edition of the PNNA’s publication, The Nor’wester, is available online at http://www.pnna.org/news/pdf/PNNAnews2013_Q2.pdf, and free black-and-white paper copies will be available at the PNNA convention. Back issues are also available online.
Thank you again for your interest in the PNNA, and I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming (April 12-14) annual PNNA convention in Tukwila, Washington! Please note there has been a change in the convention keynote speaker … it will now be ANA V.P. Walt Ostromecki instead of ANA Executive Director Jeff Shevlin. The time is 1:00 p.m. on Saturday. Walt won’t be speaking about the ANA (as Jeff had planned), but he will give an interesting and entertaining talk about “dumb coins.”
As a reminder, if you signed up for a free PNNA membership at a convention in the past couple years, you need to attend this year’s spring or fall convention and fill out a new free membership form to continue your free membership.