As announced previously, there will be only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. The other two editions will be smaller like this edition. This change allows the two main editions to have more pages, more articles and stories, more photos, and additional dealer ads if requested.
Summary of 1st Quarter content:
PNNA President’s message by Rick Schulz.
Other PNNA news including brief mentions of the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair, the spring convention in Tukwila, collector exhibits and annual awards.
An article, “South Hill Coin Club Youth Auction,” by Kevin Charboneau.
PNNA scholarship application for ANA Summer Seminar 2025.
A flyer for the BECC Coin Show, Jan. 18-19 in Kent, Wash.
As announced previously, there are only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. This is one of the main 24-page editions, and plenty of paper color copies will be available at the PNNA’s fall coin show in Tukwila, Oct. 4-6.
Summary of 4th Quarter content:
PNNA President’s message by Rick Schulz.
PNNA fall coin show welcome message by the show chairman.
A brief PNNA spring convention report and other news.
A feature article about the 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle by Phil Iversen.
An additional article about the 2016 U.S. Mint gold centennial commemorative coins by Mark Benvenuto.
ANA Summer Seminar reports by the PNNA scholarship winners.
Various dealer advertisements. Please visit some of our dealers at the show!
As announced previously, there are only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. The other two editions are smaller like this edition. This change allows the two main editions to be printed in color and have more pages, more articles and stories, more photos, and additional dealer ads if requested. There will be plenty of copies printed for distribution at shows, clubs and other events such as the Fair. Please start writing your content for the main editions now!
Summary of other 3rd Quarter content:
PNNA President’s message by Rick Schulz.
A message about the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair also by Richard Schulz. Please volunteer!
Brief mentions of the PNNA and Willamette/Portland fall coin shows, which will be covered in the next (4th Q) edition.
PNNA spring convention news – awards, collector exhibits, and board member and meeting minutes information.
The 73rd Annual PNNA Convention and Spring Coin Show was held April 12-14, 2024, in Tukwila, Washington, and was a huge success! Convention chairman Kevin Charboneau reported a three-day public attendance of over 1,000, and many dealers with tables at the show reported excellent business.
ANACS was once again present at the show to accept grading submissions. Bill Coburn, shown here (at left) receiving a PNNA presidential award from Ed Fischer, was the ANACS rep.
In other convention activity, James Reinders reported that the BSA coin collecting merit badge workshop held on Saturday was highly successful, with 36 scouts participating. The youth “treasure hunt” was held in a simplified format, with local volunteer Tony Kalt filling in for ANA Past President Walt Ostromecki. There were three judged collector exhibits and four noncompetitive exhibits, for show visitors to view from Friday afternoon through Sunday. All of the exhibits were interesting and educational! (See the exhibits page.)
Congratulations to Bob Everett Memorial Award winner Gawain O’Connor, announced at the Saturday evening general membership meeting. Gawain has served the PNNA in various capacities, including as board member and numismatic theater chairman. All awards information has been updated on this website – see the awards page.
Also at the Saturday membership meeting, Rick Schulz was installed as the new PNNA president, and received a ceremonial gavel from outgoing president Ed Fischer. Thanks, Ed, for your service!
Thanks to all who attended the convention/coin show, to all the dealers, and to all who helped including especially the South Hill Coin Club volunteers. The PNNA 19th Annual Fall Coin Show in Tukwila is scheduled for October 4-6, 2024.
Additional photos of dealers at the show:
Thanks to Ray Fiorini for supplying some of the photos in this report.
As announced before, there will be only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. This is one of those editions and is 24 pages in full color!
Summary of 2nd Quarter content:
PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
PNNA Convention welcome message by Kevin Charboneau.
Other PNNA news including about the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair, PNNA exhibits and PNNA awards.
A feature article by Eric Holcomb, “Morgan Dollars—Including Coin Club Show and Tell.”
A related short article by Mark Benvenuto, “Silver Dollars, or Another Bullion Coin?”
Statements by PNNA Board Candidates for the 2024-2026 term. (Election ballots will be enclosed or attached separately.)
As announced previously, there will be only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. The other two editions will be smaller like this edition. This change allows the two main editions to have more pages, more articles and stories, more photos, and additional dealer ads if requested.
Summary of 1st Quarter content:
PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
Other PNNA news including brief mentions of the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair, the spring convention in Tukwila, collector exhibits and annual awards. Also, upcoming PNNA elections.
PNNA scholarship application for ANA Summer Seminar 2024.
A flyer for the BECC Coin Show, Jan. 20-21 in Kent, Wash.
As announced last year, there are only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. This is one of the main 24-page editions, and plenty of paper color copies will be available at the PNNA’s fall coin show in Tukwila, Oct. 6-8.
Summary of 4th Quarter content:
PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
PNNA fall coin show welcome message by the show chairman.
A brief PNNA spring convention report and other news.
Token & Medal articles by Kevin Akin and James Bard.
“Eric visits Carson City” story by editor Eric Holcomb.
Various dealer advertisements. Please visit some of our dealers at the show!
As announced last year, there are only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. The other two editions are smaller like this edition. This change allows the two main editions to be printed in color and have more pages, more articles and stories, more photos, and additional dealer ads if requested. There will be plenty of copies printed for distribution at shows, clubs and other events such as the Fair. Please start writing your content for the main editions now!
Summary of other 3rd Quarter content:
PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
A message about the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair by Richard Schulz. Please volunteer!
Brief mentions of the PNNA and Willamette fall coin shows, whch will be covered in the next (4th Q) edition.
PNNA spring convention news – awards, collector exhibits (no competitive exhibits this spring), and board member and meeting minutes information.
The 72nd Annual PNNA Convention and Spring Coin Show was held April 14-16, 2023, in Tukwila, Washington, and was a huge success! Convention chairman Kevin Charboneau reported a three-day public attendance of 1,137, and many dealers with tables at the show reported excellent business.
David Edge, of the Seattle Coin Club, interviewed several dealers, along with PNNA “penny squisher” Rick Schulz, and produced a nice 5-minute video, which you can view on YouTube via the link below.
In other convention activity, James Reinders reported that the BSA coin collecting merit badge workshop held on Saturday was highly successful, with about 25 scouts participating. The youth “treasure hunt” was held in a simplified format, with local volunteer Tony Kalt filling in for ANA Past President Walt Ostromecki. The collector exhibits were noncompetitive this time, but there were four nice exhibits for show visitors to view on Saturday.
Congratulations to Bob Everett Memorial Award winner Mark Gruner, announced at the Saturday evening general membership meeting. Award information has been updated on this website – see the awards page.
Thanks to all who attended the convention/coin show, and to all who helped including especially the South Hill Coin Club volunteers. The PNNA 18th Annual Fall Coin Show in Tukwila is scheduled for October 6-8, 2023.
As announced last year, there will be only two main editions of The Nor’wester each year, for the spring convention and the fall coin show. This is one of those editions, and is 24 pages in full color!
Summary of 2nd Quarter content:
PNNA President’s message by Ed Fischer.
PNNA Convention welcome message by Kevin Charboneau.
Other PNNA news including about the Washington State (Puyallup) Fair, PNNA exhibits and PNNA awards.
A feature article by Tom Sparks about “The Short Snorter of Major General Clayton L. Bissell,” which was on display at the Phoenix ANA National Money Show.
Two interesting short articles by Adhitri S., a YN from Indiana.