
The PNNA reference section is a collection of useful numismatic information written by various PNNA members, as well as links to outside sources of information.

The PNNA board has not reviewed, approved or endorsed this information. Some of the information represents the opinions of a single individual and should not necessarily be considered authoritative or comprehensive. You are advised to always obtain two or more opinions (and bids, if applicable) before taking action such as buying and selling coins when a significant amount of money is involved.

Some of the articles listed below use an 8.5×11 PDF file page size and are best viewed on a large screen. The PNNA’s PDF files are stored separately from WordPress. To search for content in these PDF files, use the Google™ custom search page.

Introduction to Numismatics:
See Joe Boling’s Introduction to numismatics class notes (also listed below).

American Numismatic Association (ANA) information and resources:
See the ANA’s main website and its menus for additional resources.
ANA Coin Collecting & Numismatic Tools (including getting started)
ANA Coin Grading Resources
ANA Coin Press (coin collecting/numismatic blog)
ANA Consumer Alerts & Bulletins
ANA eLearning Academy
ANA Legacy Series (interviews)
ANA NumismaTalks (webinars)
ANA Numismatic Library
ANA Mediation Services
ANA Member Benefits (including insurance, grading services, discounts, etc.)
ANA Member Clubs (club directory)
ANA Member Dealers (find a dealer)
ANA Money Museum Virtual Exhibits | Tales from the Vault (of the ANA collection)
Classic Commemorative Coins
Ten Rules of Successful Coin Collecting by Doug Winter
Reading Room (membership required for some content)

Ancient Coins:
Compilation of articles about ancient coins by Joseph Kleinman, Pacific Ancient Numismatists (PAN). An introductory article, and 16 subsequent articles in the compilation, were first published in The Nor’wester from 2000 to 2005 (PDF file); also see additional PAN info and links to ancient coin websites.

Bank Notes of Algeria and Tunisia (as French colonies) by Steve Cox. This is a low-resolution (100 dpi) version. Contact the PNNA for a higher resolution version.
The Short Snorter Project – Still Keeping the Memories Alive – Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the End of World War II, a book by Thomas J. Sparks. The link accesses this free book on the Newman Numismatic Portal.

Tips for Buying & Selling Bullion coins (from the ANA)

Counterfeit Detection:
NGC comprehensive counterfeit detection resource
Counterfeit Detection Seminar (report on March 1999 seminar in Seattle)

Estate Planning and related topics:
Strategies to Dispose of Your Collection (video) by ANA Education Director Rod Gillis.
You can order an inexpensive numismatic estate guide (Managing & Settling a Numismatic Estate) from the ANA – see for this and other valuable resources.

PNNA memorabilia catalog (includes PNNA wooden nickels, medals, tokens and elongated cents). We plan to convert this to a printable PDF catalog, which should be available sometime in 2025, by about the time of the spring convention in April.

Tokens and Medals:
Token & Medal Page

United States Coins:
Classic Commemorative Coins (also on ANA list)
U.S. Mint Collecting Basics (including getting started & glossary)
United States Colonials – A Picture Gallery (PDF file)
Howard Spindel’s Shield Nickel Site

75th Anniversary of the End of World War II:
U.S. Mint commemorative coin and medal
The Short Snorter Project … (see “Banknotes” above)
The Occupation of Hong Kong and the Life of a Veteran by Michael Souza, an abridged version of an award-winning article originally written in 2018 for the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association’s CN Journal.

Information from PNNA Webmaster/Past President Eric Holcomb:
Coin Buying and Selling
Coin Grading and Cleaning
Collecting vs. Investing, and Market Trends
Coin Shows

Information from PNNA Past President James Reinders:
James’ Scout workshops website (
Top 7 Ways to Ruin Your Coins” (on an outside website)

Information from former PNNA Secretary/Treasurer Joseph Boling:
Introduction to numismatics class notes (very detailed!)

Information from PNNA Past President Tom Sheehan:
Tom’s articles consolidated into a PDF file. Includes:
Coin preservation and disposition (3rd Q 1999)
Investment Mania (1st Q 2000 – out of date, but still worth reading)

Speakers and Programs:
Please contact the PNNA ( if you would like us to suggest a possible speaker or program topic for a club meeting or other event.

Professional Numismatists Guild YouTube channel, including Money: History in Your Hands, starring actor James Earl Jones, originally released in 1995.
Also see the ANA website for recorded programs including “Money Talks” and eLearning Academy.

Why You Need to Have a Hobby and related topics
Recommended by
Benefit of collecting coins adds up (from The Chicago Tribune)
Coin Collecting: Beginner’s Guide (from
How to Store Coins (from
Why You Need to Have a Hobby (from
Find Your Passion: Making Room for Hobbies (from Pickup Please)
50 Self-Coaching Questions To Help You Find Your Passion (from
Why Kids Need Hobbies (from Better Homes & Gardens)
Share Your Hobbies With Your Child (from
The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your Own At-Home Hobby Workshop (from

Miscellaneous Articles, Reports and Resources:
Numismatic Remembrance of National Tragedies
Willamette Coin Club original articles by club members
Who were the original Nor’westers?

PNNA Member Web Site Links

Outside Information Sources (Links)